Saturday, September 22, 2012

#LikeAPogi - The NEW Breed of POGI

Confident.  Achiever.  Responsible.  Witty.  Sensitive.  Passionate.  Committed.  Meet the new breed of pogi.  These days, being pogi is more than just having naturally good looks; it’s about having the right attitude that truly makes the difference. 

And leave it to internet action star Ramon Bautista to show us what being pogi is all about.  A multi-talented achiever, comedian, filmmaker, producer and U.P. film professor, he proves that it’s the character and confidence that makes the man.  After all, a handsome man is but an empty shell for a big personality! So don’t just be a pretty face, be #LikeAPogi! Just like Ramon, put your personality at the forefront and charm your way to the top with wit, humor, and dashing confidence just #LikeAPogi!

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